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honor roll 榮譽名冊。

honor system

You probably have an honor roll or list for students at your school with outstanding achievements and high grades , and perhaps you ' re on it 你手上可能有一張優秀學生名單,名單里都是具有優異成就表現與優秀成績的學生,或許你的名字也在名單里。

He made the honor roll once , in his senior year when he landed a ' s in auto mechanics and machine shop 也上過一次光榮榜,那是高三,汽修和金工課他得了a 。

Our school always publishes the students who make the honor roll in the local newspaper 我們學校總是在當地的報紙上公布榮登光榮榜的學生名單。

College honor roll 學院榮譽獎狀

Honor roll ? you flunked everything . not even a ' d ' in art this time 優秀學生?你沒一科及格的.連藝術課都得不了一個d

I make honor roll , dad doesn ' t notice because you ' re in detention 我獲得無數的榮譽,爸爸卻不注意因為你總是被拘留

Honor roll of donors 2001 - . . 2003年捐資個人機構名單

I need an a in this course to get on the honor roll 這門功課必須要得a我才能上光榮榜。

Honor roll of donors 2005 honor roll of donors 2004 2005年捐資個人機構名單

Honor roll of donors 2003 honor roll of donors 2002 2004年捐資個人機構名單